IHHT cell training in ZUG
Healthier with every breath
IHHT cell training promotes faster regeneration of the body's cells, improves oxygen supply and metabolism.
IHHT is called interval hypoxia hyperoxia therapy or training, in which periods of low and high oxygen concentration alternate.
The principle was originally developed for athletes to improve cellular performance and increase oxygen delivery to muscles - known as altitude training.
IHHT has also been shown to have a positive impact on overall health by reducing inflammation, improving sleep quality and strengthening the immune system.
Änderung des Sauerstoffgehalts
Im Abstand von individuell definierten Intervallen (Minuten), werden im gleichmäßigen Wechsel, sauerstoffärmere (Hypoxie) und sauerstoffreichere (Hyperoxie) Luft gegeben.
Training auf den Anwender angepasst
Um eine sichere Anwendung zu ermöglichen, wird die Trainingseinheit mit Hypoxbreath auf den Kunden angepasst.
Intelligentes BIO-Feedback-System
Ein intelligentes BIO-Feedback-System nutzt dabei bewährte Regel-Algorithmen aus langjährigen klinischen Tests und Studien.
How does the IHHT training work?​
Define meeting and goals
We discuss your current state of health, answer questions and set goals together.
The right therapy
Depending on the condition, defined goals and time available, we choose the right care intensity and settings.
During IHHT training, you lie down on a comfortable lounger and alternately breathe in oxygen-poor and oxygen-rich air through a breathing mask.
Depending on your program, a session lasts up to 45 minutes.
The oxygen device monitors oxygen saturation, heart rate and stress levels. Based on your current condition, the right height is set for you.
The training is relaxing and poses no risks to your health.

What happens in your body during IHHT?
In the human body there are up to 80 million cells with mitochondria - our energy power plants.
With increasing age, due to sleep disorders, stress and negative environmental influences, the number and function of mitochondria decrease. This leads to reduced energy production and makes the body sluggish.
IHHT training repairs your cells and increases the number of mitochondria.

The consequences of damaged mitochondria
sleep disorders
Chronic fatigue
Higher risk of circulatory and respiratory diseases
Lower resistance to stress
Decreased immunity
Susceptibility to musculoskeletal injuries and pain
Higher risk of type 2 diabetes
Slowing down of metabolism
Aging of the body
Higher risk of burnout syndrome
Effects of IHHT cell training
Boost metabolism
Increasing the ability to concentrate
Strengthening the immune system
Improvement of cognitive functions
Shortened recovery time after sports or injuries
Support for the blood and respiratory systems